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The Online Laser Training (OLT) Radiation Health-approved (ED220) Laser Physics and Safety Officer Course is delivered online.

Participants completing this course will satisfy the requirements of the theoretical components of the required competencies for persons wishing to obtain a use licence for surgical, cosmetic and maintenance procedures; and radiation safety officer certificate for surgical and cosmetic practices under the Queensland Government Radiation Safety Act 1999.

This e-learning document is a collaboration of the current evidence based and consensus based practices listed in the Joint Australian/New Zealand Standard AS/NZ 4173:2018 Safe use of lasers and intense light sources in healthcare; AS/NZ IEC 60825.1.2014 Safety of laser products – Part 1: Equipment classification and requirements; AS/NZS 1336:2014 Eye and face protection – Guidelines; AS/NZ IEC 60825-14:2022 Safety of laser products – Part 14: A user’s guide; AS 16571:2015 Systems for evacuation of plume generated by medical devices (ISO 16571:2014, MOD); ARPANSA’s published guidance documents on lasers, IPL and LEDs; WHS regulations; UK MHRA document Lasers, intense light source systems and LEDs – Guidance for Safe Use in medical, surgical, dental and aesthetic practices September 2015; relevant UK National Minimum Standards (NOS) SKABA1, SKABA2, SKABA4, SKABA5 & SKAEF12 1.2. and relevant corresponding Australian VET units; OSHA regulations, and the FDA’s Federal Laser Product Performance Standards (21 CFR 1040).

Accredited by the BMLA, (British Medical Laser Association) ABLS, (American Board of Laser Safety), and part of the IMCAS (International Master Course on Aging Science) educational program. The course has RACGP CPD points and granted ACRRM CPD points and ACAM CPD points.

Course Length:

e-learning online

The course comprises 11 e-learning online lessons across 4 units of learning; each with video presentations supported by downloadable course workbooks and slide transcripts. At the end of each lesson a multiple-choice questions (MCQ) quiz with an 100% pass-mark must be completed before moving on to the next unit.

The quizzes are supported by a Quiz-Assist® feature that provides guidance to locate the relevant sections of the supporting materials should you fail a quiz. Learners can take each MCQ quiz up to 8 times before being locked from further progress, however using the Quiz Assist® as intended, passes are achieved within 2-3 attempts. There is support available should you need to unlock yourself or need additional assistance.

Upon successful completion, the learner downloads a statement of completion – Activity ID 430440 and is awarded 14 CPD hours distributed over three CPD types EA: 10 hours, MO: 3 hours & RP: 1 hour, approved by the RACGP CPD Program 2023.

Learners can take the MCQ test up to 8 times before being locked out of the course, and a ‘results option’ allows learners to review their answers before a re-take.


The course content is biased towards cutaneous laser/IPL cosmetic procedures (hair reduction, photo rejuvenation, pigmented and vascular lesion treatments, acne, and tattoo removal) although medical/surgical applications are covered briefly (OBGYN, ENT, surgery, ophthalmic treatments, EVLT, laser lipolysis and laser vaginal skin tightening).

The four units of the Laser Physics and Safety Officer Course are:

  • Section 1: Laser/intense light source radiation – tissue interaction
  • Section 2: Laser/intense light generation and characteristics
  • Section 3: Hazards and risks from equipment and laser/IPL beams
  • Section 4: Relevant legislation and safety standards (Australia & New Zealand)