In 2021 the Australasian College of Aesthetic Medicine (ACAM) introduced three new fellowship pathways and one nurse associate pathway. ACAM recognises that in place of an accredited and AMC recognised training program, qualifications, (quality, quantity and type) are not sanctioned. Given the unregulated nature of the aesthetic medicine profession, with no minimum educational requirements, ACAM would encourage practitioners to join and take part in one of the three fellowship or nurse associate pathways administered by ACAM.
Recognising medical practitioners as adult learners, ACAM has designed three fellowship pathways; two are designed for medical practitioners who have experience within the aesthetic medicine profession, and one for those with recognised minimal experience who would like to enter the field of aesthetic medicine. Each fellowship pathway is unique; there are, however, some commonalities between them. These skills highlight the minimum expected skill base ACAM identifies as required to provide aesthetic services and educational standards expected of fellows. Where possible the pathways are recognised for CPD points by ACAM, RACGP and ACRRM.
ACAM Fellowship Pathways
Pathway I ACAM Fellowship by ACAM Educational Pathway (Read more here)
Pathway II ACAM Fellowship by Academic Pathway (Read more here)
Pathway III ACAM Fellowship by Practice Based Assessment (Read more here)
Fellowship pathways II and III are designed for practitioners who can demonstrate practical experience:
- Have a minimum of three years cosmetic/aesthetic medicine experience, (or its part-time equivalent pro rata);
- At least one year of which aesthetic medicine experience gained within Australia;
- Be active in aesthetic medicine within Australia (i.e. in current practice).
ACAM Fellowship by Practice Based Assessment (PBA) (Pathway III) also requires 3 years as an ACAM member, offers continuous enrolment for those practitioners who wish to complete this pathway.
ACAM Educational Pathway (Pathway I) is designed for doctors who would like to enter the field of aesthetic medicine and have minimal or no experience in aesthetic medicine. This pathway offers the continuous enrolment option. It has been designed to allow maximum educational flexibility, and to make the most of online learning platforms to allow studying at your convenience. Candidates that enter the ACAM Fellowship program by ACAM Educational Pathway will be required to complete the ACAM Introduction to Cosmetic Medicine Workshop. You will be automatically enrolled in the workshop by the course administrator; your enrolment in the clinical workshop is timed to ensure that all criteria for the pathway are completed by your two year completion date (from your enrolment).
Still need some more information click here to see a comparison table of the three fellowship pathways.
ACAM Registered Nurse Associate Pathway
This pathway aims to provide nurses with an internationally recognised and independent university qualification, contributing to their Nurse Associate status with ACAM. The course offers interested nurses a flexible and achievable study format and a worldwide recognised qualification. ACAM nursing members who enrol in the USW Postgraduate Certificate in Cosmetic and Aesthetic Medicine enjoy discounted fees negotiated by ACAM. The University of South Wales was established in 2013 following the merger of the University of Glamorgan and the University of Wales, Newport. USW offers the Postgraduate Certificate of Cosmetic and Aesthetic Medicine, which completes the academic training needs for the ACAM Nurse Associate Pathway.
To review this course click here and 50 case logbook click here. For further information on Registered Nurse Associate Pathway description click here.
ACAM Fellowship Equivalence Recognition Programme
ACAM awards equivalence fellowship to current Fellows of another medical or surgical College recognized by the Australian Medical Council or the New Zealand Medical Council or international equivalent in the area of cosmetic/aesthetic medicine; or are doctors with significant experience in the field of Aesthetic Medicine who the ACAM Board has invited to apply for Fellowship*;[1]
*Definition of ‘significant experience.’
- Be a past or present holder of high office in his/her College or Academy;
- Have made a contribution of international significance to cosmetic medicine;
- Made a significant contribution to the Australasian College of Aesthetic Medicine;
- And ACAM reserves the right to offer Fellowship of the College in exceptional circumstances to doctors who have made a highly significant contribution to Aesthetic Medicine but who may not have fulfilled all three of the criteria listed above; furthermore
- ACAM reserves the right to evaluate an equivalence fellowship candidate and refuse direct fellowship on the basics of unclear education or practice or practice that is not relevant to cosmetic/aesthetic medicine. For example, most practice work is skin cancer, surgery or general practice, but minimal experience/practice in cosmetic/aesthetic medicine. However, the candidate may be invited to complete an ACAM fellowship pathway (I or II) to gain the necessary skills and academic merit in cosmetic/aesthetic medicine; and or
- Individuals who have not completed a fellowship will not be considered for the equivalence fellowship pathway and may be invited to complete an ACAM fellowship pathway (I or II) to gain the necessary skills and academic merit in cosmetic/aesthetic medicine.
[1] Fellows of another college must be able to demonstrate knowledge and training, and actively practicing cosmetic/aesthetic medicine. Candidates who cannot demonstrate active cosmetic/aesthetic practice and are without a fellowship in a like organisation, may be offered the opportunity to complete ACAM Fellowship Pathway I or II.
Steps to Enrolling in an ACAM Fellowship Pathway
- ACAM fellowship Pathways are open to financial Members of ACAM. To become a member of ACAM refer here. (Incomplete information will delay your application.)
- Members are granted access to the Member’s Portal, log on and locate Fellowship Programs, review the information concerning the fellowship programs;
- Click the link of the program of your choice, and complete the application process, paying the application fee. Incomplete information will delay your application.
- Once your application for fellowship is accepted, you have two weeks to finalise your account via the Member’s Portal. Your program will be started from the date of fee payment. You will be provided with your access as practically possible.
To apply please email who will forward additional information and an application form to get you started and take you through the steps to full enrolment.